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ATEN 宏正 KL1516aiM 16端口双滑轨 17寸LCD KVM多电脑切换器
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重量:16000 克
KL1516Ai双滑轨LCD KVM多电脑切换器,为一组控制设备,其允许从一组控制端(键盘、显示器、鼠标)安全控管高达16台电脑;其整合了LCD屏幕、键盘及触控板于抽拉式的机体内,并可安装于机架上。
LCD屏幕及键盘/触控板模块可以独立抽拉,为了提高您机房内空间使用的效率,当键盘/触控板模块不需要使用时,可以将其推回收好,并展开轻薄的LCD屏幕 – 靠在机架上,以方便监控电脑的运作状态。
KL1516Ai支持IP联机,可让本地及远程的操作者监控及访问其所连接的电脑,由于KL1516Ai使用TCP/IP通讯协议,因此使用者可以通过连网的电脑 – 无论该电脑在大楼任何地方、在街道上或甚至在地球另一端,都可访问KL1516Ai。
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16端口双滑轨LCD KVM多电脑切换器

LCD 控制端 + Cat 5 高密度KVM多电脑切换器配备远程管理功能


KL1516Ai双滑轨LCD KVM多电脑切换器,为一组控制设备,其允许从一组控制端(键盘、显示器、鼠标)安全控管高达16台电脑;其整合了LCD屏幕、键盘及触控板于抽拉式的机体内,并可安装于机架上。
LCD屏幕及键盘/触控板模块可以独立抽拉,为了提高您机房内空间使用的效率,当键盘/触控板模块不需要使用时,可以将其推回收好,并展开轻薄的LCD屏幕 – 靠在机架上,以方便监控电脑的运作状态。
KL1516Ai支持IP联机,可让本地及远程的操作者监控及访问其所连接的电脑,由于KL1516Ai使用TCP/IP通讯协议,因此使用者可以通过连网的电脑 – 无论该电脑在大楼任何地方、在街道上或甚至在地球另一端,都可访问KL1516Ai。


体积小、高密度的RJ-45连接头及Cat 5e/6连接设计,提供简便、有效率的布线方式,通过KVM转换连接线连接电脑,可让PC、Mac、Sun电脑与串口设备在同个架构下混合使用。



  • 硬件
  • 整合KVM控制端与17/19寸LCD液晶屏幕于单一双滑轨机体内
  • 单一控制端可管理多达16台的服务器
  • 支持菊式串接额外15台切换器,以从单一控制端控管高达256台电脑
  • 1个独立的通道,可供KVM Over IP远程访问
  • RJ-45连接接口及Cat 5e/6布线设计,可有效地节省空间
  • 具备自动转换功能的电脑端模块设计*,可弹性通过各种接口组合(PS/2、USB、Sun及串口)管理所有类型的服务器
  • 外接式控制端连接端口 - 可通过另一组外接式控制端 (屏幕、USB或PS/2键盘、以及USB或PS/2鼠标) 管理LCD KVM多电脑切换器所连接的服务器
  • 跨平台支持 - PC、Mac、Sun及串口设备
  • 支持外接式USB鼠标
  • 双滑轨机体,体积高度小于1U,可于1U的机架空间内轻松操作
  • 双滑轨设计 – LCD屏幕与键盘/鼠标触控板可分别独立抽拉
  • LCD模块可展开至120度,以提供更舒适的检视角度
  • 控制端锁定功能 - 在不使用控制端时可将其安全固定在原来位置
  • LCD电源按键有助于节省能源,并延长屏幕的使用寿命

    * 兼容的KVM多电脑切换器: KH1508A/KH1516A, KH0116, ACS1208A/ACS1216A, CS1708A/CS1716A, KH1508/KH1516

  • 提供多达64组使用者账号 – 支持多达32位使用者同时从远程登入
  • 支持终止联机功能 – 管理者可终止正在运行的连线作业
  • 电脑端模块ID:可储存连接端口信息,让管理人员将服务器重新连接到不同连接端口时,无需重新设定电脑端模块及KVM多电脑切换器
  • 连接端口分享模式支持多位使用者共同访问一台服务器
  • 连接Power Over the NET™远程电源管理设备,以进行远程电源控制
  • 可与ALTUSEN CC2000管理软件整合使用
  • 支持事件日志及Windows操作系统的日志服务器
  • 本地日志记录
  • 支持固件更新
  • 支持IPv6

  • 可通过按键、热键模式、OSD(屏幕选单)及浏览器界面轻松切换电脑
  • 本地控制端、browser-based及AP GUIs提供统一的多国语言界面,减少使用者训练时间及提高工作效率
  • 支持多平台的客户端系统(Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Sun)
  • 支持多种浏览器: Internet Explorer、Chrome、Firefox、Safari、Opera、Mozilla、Netscape
  • 以网页技术所发展的浏览界面,管理者不需先安装Java软件包即可执行管理工作
  • 支持分割画面模式(Panel Array Mode™)
  • 键盘广播功能* – 键盘输入信号可复制到所有连接的服务器上


  • 支持远程验证机制: RADIUS, LDAP, LDAPS及MS Active Directory
  • 支持128位SSL数据加密及1024位RSA认证以确保浏览器登入的安全性
  • 弹性化加密设计,使用者可分别为键盘/鼠标,屏幕及虚拟媒体数据选择56位DES、168位3DES、256位AES、128位RC 4的任何组合或随机的加密方式
  • 支持IP/MAC过滤功能,强化安全防护
  • 可对使用者及群组设定访问与控管服务器的权限

  • 可调整视频质量及视频公差(tolerance)以最佳化数据传输速度;单色色深设定,临界值及信号干扰设定,可让使用者在低频宽的情况下压缩数据流量大小以达到最佳的传输量
  • 支持全屏幕显示或可调式窗口显示
  • 远程使用者间可通过信息板功能相互沟通
  • 鼠标动态同步显示功能(Mouse DynaSync™) – 自动同步化远程及本地的鼠标光标
  • 支持多国语言屏幕键盘
  • BIOS层级访问



    连接电脑数 直接 16
    最多 256 (通过菊式串联)
    控制端连接数 本地 1
    连接端口选择 OSD屏幕选单、热键、按键
    接口 控制端连接端口 键盘 1 x 6-pin Mini-DIN 母头 (紫)
    1 x USB Type A 母头 (白)
    屏幕 1 x HDB-15 母头 (蓝)
    鼠标 1 x 6-pin Mini-DIN 母头 (绿)
    1 x USB Type A 母头 (白)
    电脑端连接端口 16 x RJ-45 母头
    菊式串联 1 x DB-25 公头 (黑)
    电源 1 x 3-prong AC socket
    固件更新 1 x RJ-11 母头 (黑)
    外接式鼠标 1 x USB Type A (母头)
    网络 1 x RJ-45 母头
    PON 1 x RJ-45 母头
    开关 电源 1 x 翘板开关
    LCD电源 1 x 按键
    LCM调整 4 x 按键
    连接端口选择 16 x 按键
    固件更新 1 x 滑动开关
    KVM重置 1 x 半嵌式按键
    机台 2 x 按键
    LED指示灯 机台 2 x 7节显示 (橘)
    连接端口 上线 16 (绿)
    已选择 16 (橘)
    电源 1 (蓝)
    Lock Num 1 (绿)
    Caps 1 (绿)
    Scroll 1 (绿)
    连线 1 (绿)
    10/100 Mbps 1 (橘/绿)
    LCD电源 1 (橘)
    模拟功能 键盘/鼠标 PS/2; USB
    视频分辨率 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz; DDC2B (50 m, 本地);
    1600 x 1200 @ 60 Hz; DDC2B (40 m, 远程)
    扫描区间 1–255 秒
    输入额定值 100–240V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1A
    耗电量 120V, 33W / 230V, 34W (17“);
    120V, 34W / 230V, 36W (19“)
    作业环境 操作温度 0 - 40°C
    储存温度 -20 - 60°C
    湿度 0–80% RH, 无凝结
    机体属性 外壳 金属
    重量 (17“/19“) 16.00 kg / 16.25 kg
    (长 x 宽 x 高)
    70.12 x 48.00 x 4.40 cm

  • KL1516Ai
    16-Port Dual Rail LCD KVM Switch
    LCD Console + Cat 5 High-Density KVM Switch with KVM over IP

    KL1516Ai Zoom In KL1516Ai  KL1516Ai  KL1516Ai  KL1516Ai
    The KL1516Ai Dual Rail LCD KVM Switch is a control unit that allows secure access up to 16 computers from a single KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) console. It consists of an integrated LCD monitor, keyboard, and touchpad in a 1U rack-mountable retractable sliding housing.

    The LCD and keyboard/touchpad modules slide independently of each other. To maximize space in your data center, the keyboard/touchpad module slides back to “ hide away ” when not in use, while the thin profile LCD monitor rotates back – flush against the rack – allowing convenient monitoring of computer activity.

    The KL1516Ai features IP-based connectivity that allows local and remote operators to monitor and access the computers on your installation. Because it uses TCP/IP for its communications protocol, the KL1516Ai can be accessed from any computer on the LAN, WAN, or Internet – whether that computer is located down the hall, down the street, or halfway around the world.
    Compact, high-density, RJ-45 connectors and Cat 5e/6 cable make for a compact, efficient, wiring configuration, while the use of KVM Adapter Cables to link to the computers, permits any combination of PCs, Macs, Sun computers, and serial devices to coexist on the installation.

    For added convenience, ports for an external keyboard, monitor, and mouse are provided on the rear panel – permitting you to manage the switch from a local console. There is also an external USB mouse port on the keyboard module, allowing you to use an external mouse, rather than the touchpad.

    Enhanced features include a Panel Array Mode™ that displays the video output of up to 16 computers at the same time, and a Message Board that allows logged in users to conveniently and instantly communicate with one other – no matter where in the world they actually are. The KL1516Ai is an ideal solution for your server room management.

    Exclusive LED illumination light – designed by ATEN to illuminate the keyboard and touchpad to allow visibility in low-light conditions
    Integrated KVM console with 17¨ or 19¨ LED-backlit LCD monitor in a Dual Rail housing
    A single console controls up to 16 computers
    Daisy chain up to 15 additional KVM switches to control up to 256 computers*
    One bus for remote KVM over IP access
    Space-saving RJ-45 connectors and Cat 5e/6 cabling
    KVM adapter cables designed with automatic conversion to allow flexible interface combinations (PS/2, USB, Sun and serial) to control all computer types
    Extra console por – manage computers in the LCD KVM switch from an external console (monitor, USB or PS/2 keyboard, and USB or PS/2 mouse)
    Multiplatform support: PC, Mac, Sun and Serial
    Supports external USB mouse
    Dual Rail housing is slightly less than 1U with top and bottom clearance for smooth operation in 1U of rack space
    Dual Rail – LCD monitor slides independently of the keyboard/touchpad
    LCD module rotates up to 120 degrees for a more comfortable viewing angle
    Console lock – enables the console drawer to remain securely locked away in position when not in use
    LCD power button helps save energy and prolong displays´ life

    * Compatible KVM switches: KH1508A/KH1516A, KH0116, ACS1208A/ACS1216A, CS1708A/CS1716A, KH1508/KH1516

    Up to 64 user accounts – up to 32 concurrent remote logins
    End session feature – administrators can terminate any running session
    Adapter ID – stores port information allowing administrators to relocate servers to different ports, without having to reconfigure the adapters and switch
    Port Share Mode allows multiple users to gain access to a server simultaneously
    Remote power control for attached Power Over the NET™ devices
    Integration with ALTUSEN CC2000 Management software
    Event logging and Windows-based Log Server support
    Local Log Event
    Firmware upgradeable
    IPv6 capable

    Easy-to-Use Interface
    Easy computer selection via pushbuttons, Hotkey Mode, OSD (OnScreen Display), and Browser-based GUI
    Local Console, Browser, and AP GUIs offer a unified multi language interface to minimize user training time and increase productivity
    Multiplatform client support (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Sun)
    Multi-browser support: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mozilla, Netscape
    Browser-based UI in pure Web technology allows administrators to perform administrative tasks without the need for Java to be pre-installed
    Panel Array Mode™
    Keyboard broadcast* – keyboard input can be duplicated on all the attached servers

    * Local Console only

    Advanced Security
    Remote authentication support: RADIUS, LDAP, LDAPS, and MS Active Directory
    Supports SSL 128-bit data encryption and RSA 1024-bit certificates to secure users log in from browser
    Flexible encryption design allows users to choose any combination of 56-bit DES, 168-bit 3DES 256-bit AES, 128-bit RC4, or Random for independent KB/Mouse, and video data encryption
    IP/MAC Filter support for enhanced security protection
    Configurable user and group permissions for server access and control

    Virtual Remote Desktop
    Video quality and video tolerance can be adjusted to optimize data transfer speed; monochrome color depth setting, threshold and noise settings for compression of the data bandwidth in low bandwidth situations
    Full-screen or sizable and scalable Virtual Remote Desktop
    Message board feature allows logged in users to communicate with each other
    Mouse DynaSync™ – automatically synchronizes the local and remote mouse movements
    On-screen keyboard with multi language support
    BIOS-level access
    Keyboard Language support: English(US); English(UK); French, German, German(Swiss), Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Traditional Chinese

    成都科汇科技有限公司 成立于 2004年,拥有十年KVM行业经验,为您提供完整的行业解决方案。HDMI DVI VGA、视频分配、切换、 延长、及高清信号转换接口。公司现已成为四川地区 Aten 宏正 官方唯一授权代理商  

    企业QQ:  4000281235